Tuesday 28 June 2011

Productive Time Wasting

Something that I'm sure anyone who is reading this post has done in the past is fill out an application form. Therefore I'm sure you all understand my mental pain and sheer frustration at having to fill out these stenographic spawn of the devil. I don't understand who makes these and what purpose they actually serve, often is the case in an interview where it becomes apparent the company is interviewing anyone that gave in a form or the interviewers haven't read it and know nothing about you, in fact in one interview my interviewer raised a page and it was revealed to me that the form can't be that important, as someone had written a shopping list on the back. And every single one is different but at the same time want the same information, I've lost count of how many I have completed (and how many I have ripped up using my teeth in a fit of blind anger) but it's enough to make me start filling them out "creatively".

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