Wednesday 10 August 2011

A well rounded opinion

It occurs to me recently that the whole world is just lying for no reason, I'm not going to moan about politics, believe me that's something I want to keep this blog free of after discovering how many people I (in)advertanly upset. No what I want to bring to your attention is advertising, I know it's everywhere and I accept that, what I can't accept is everyone seems blind to the blatant lying, It's not even clever. A poster in the video rental store in the next town tells me they have abolished 'late fees' and will now only charge you £1 for each extra night you keep it, Ahem excuse me? Isn't that a fee? For the DVD being returned LATER then originally planned?

Another thing is 'Music' shops, as a percussionist I often phone different out of town stores to see if it's worth checking it out, 9 out 10 times Ill get the reply "Oh we only sell guitars" Shouldn't you be called Guitar store then? Thats what I want to say but I said I wasn't going to upset anyone so I'm using it as an excuse to start shopping online.


  1. Any excuse to shop online BABY YEAH!!

  2. Ring "Just Guitars" and ask if they do drums

  3. I enjoy reading your thoughts on these somewhat ordinary things that I usually don't notice. I think your perspective is quite interesting, and I enjoy seeing glimpses of the world through your eyes. :)

  4. Bifidus Digestivum - says it all really. when companies start inventing chemicals as an advertising ploy, thats when we know things are really bad.

  5. @Ordinary Girl thanks for your feedback, made me smile.

    @Bumferry, I have a conspiracy theory about "fruit shoots"
