Thursday, 12 April 2012

Improv Jamming

I've been very quiet recently but when life throws almost every awkward situation in your face it's hard to actually relax and do something creative especially something decent. But amongst the endless whirlwind some things fall into place just right and this week was one of those times. Behold! the improvisational fruit of 2 hours in the basement of a music shop,

Thats me drumming!
Yes it's not perfect but it was alot of fun. I would recommend Improv jamming with friends to anyone.

What do you think?
Ping your blog


  1. I thought it to be a perfectly servicable bit of drummage. Bravo.

    1. Thanks Darren, it was good to get back on a kit.

  2. I love to do improvisational jamming with my son - him on the piano and me on the drums, or recorder, or whatever else I can find... He just starts playing whatever moves him and I try and keep up. :)
    BTW - I agree w/ Darren, not a bad bit of drummage at all - great job!

    1. That's awesome Kevin Its such a positive creative outlet. Thank you for the compliment :)I rarely use a kit nowadays I play alot of percussion and mainly my Cajon

  3. Hi, hey can we exchange links?

    randydavis387 at
